Maritime Operational Threat Response



The Maritime Operational Threat Response (MOTR) is a presidentially approved process to achieve a coordinated U.S. Government response to threats against the United States and its interests in the maritime domain. The National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) serves as the Intelligence Community representative to the MOTR process. As such, NMIO coordinates with the relevant Intelligence Community agencies to provide timely, relevant, and predictive analysis on maritime threats to the MOTR community through the U.S. Maritime Advisory System.

The U.S. Maritime Advisory System serves as the consolidated U.S. government system for communication with U.S. maritime industry stakeholders regarding potential or observed maritime security threats. This system involves cooperation between U.S. government maritime security partners from the Departments of State, Transportation, Defense, Homeland Security, the Intelligence Community, and the Global MOTR Coordination Center.

U.S. Maritime Alerts expeditiously provide basic information (location, incident type, and date/time) on reported maritime security threats to U.S. maritime industry interests. In some situations, a U.S. Maritime Alert may be issued to refute unsubstantiated claims. U.S. Maritime Alerts do not contain policy or recommendations for specific courses of action (this type of information is reserved for U.S. Maritime Advisories).

A U.S. Maritime Advisory may precede or follow the issuance of a U.S. Maritime Alert and is intended to provide more detailed information, when appropriate.

Learn more about Maritime Operational Threat Response (MOTR) and U.S. government system used for communication with U.S. maritime industry:

U.S. Maritime Advisories

U.S. Maritime Alerts

The mission of the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) is to advance maritime intelligence integration, information sharing, and domain awareness to foster unity of effort to protect the United States and its global interests, its allies, and its partners against threats to, in, or emanating from the global maritime domain.


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